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CHEMTRADE LOGISTICS INCOM FD (CHE-UN.CA) Stock Price, Quote, News and Overview

TSX:CHE-UN - Toronto Stock Exchange - CA16387P1036 - Currency: CAD

10.02  -0.14 (-1.38%)

Fundamental Rating


We assign a fundamental rating of 4 out of 10 to CHE-UN. CHE-UN was compared to 32 industry peers in the Chemicals industry. While CHE-UN belongs to the best of the industry regarding profitability, there are concerns on its financial health. CHE-UN is cheap, but on the other hand it scores bad on growth.

Dividend Valuation Growth Profitability Health


1. Profitability

1.1 Basic Checks

CHE-UN had positive earnings in the past year.
CHE-UN had a positive operating cash flow in the past year.
The reported net income has been mixed in the past 5 years: CHE-UN reported negative net income in multiple years.
CHE-UN had a positive operating cash flow in each of the past 5 years.
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFCHE-UN.CA Yearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCFYearly Net Income VS EBIT VS OCF VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 200M -200M 400M

1.2 Ratios

Looking at the Return On Assets, with a value of 5.94%, CHE-UN belongs to the top of the industry, outperforming 100.00% of the companies in the same industry.
The Return On Equity of CHE-UN (15.95%) is better than 100.00% of its industry peers.
With an excellent Return On Invested Capital value of 13.01%, CHE-UN belongs to the best of the industry, outperforming 96.55% of the companies in the same industry.
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 5.94%
ROE 15.95%
ROIC 13.01%
CHE-UN.CA Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICCHE-UN.CA Yearly ROA, ROE, ROICYearly ROA, ROE, ROIC 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 20 -20 -40 -60

1.3 Margins

The Profit Margin of CHE-UN (7.28%) is better than 100.00% of its industry peers.
CHE-UN's Operating Margin of 13.85% is amongst the best of the industry. CHE-UN outperforms 93.10% of its industry peers.
CHE-UN's Operating Margin has improved in the last couple of years.
Looking at the Gross Margin, with a value of 22.36%, CHE-UN is in the better half of the industry, outperforming 65.52% of the companies in the same industry.
CHE-UN's Gross Margin has improved in the last couple of years.
Industry RankSector Rank
OM 13.85%
PM (TTM) 7.28%
GM 22.36%
OM growth 3YN/A
OM growth 5Y260.76%
PM growth 3YN/A
PM growth 5YN/A
GM growth 3Y110.48%
GM growth 5Y33.16%
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsCHE-UN.CA Yearly Profit, Operating, Gross MarginsYearly Profit, Operating, Gross Margins 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 10 -10 20


2. Health

2.1 Basic Checks

CHE-UN has a Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), which is just above the Cost of Capital (WACC), which means it is creating some value.
Compared to 1 year ago, CHE-UN has more shares outstanding
CHE-UN has more shares outstanding than it did 5 years ago.
CHE-UN has a better debt/assets ratio than last year.
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Shares OutstandingCHE-UN.CA Yearly Shares OutstandingYearly Shares Outstanding 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 20M 40M 60M 80M 100M
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsCHE-UN.CA Yearly Total Debt VS Total AssetsYearly Total Debt VS Total Assets 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 500M 1B 1.5B 2B 2.5B

2.2 Solvency

CHE-UN has an Altman-Z score of 0.76. This is a bad value and indicates that CHE-UN is not financially healthy and even has some risk of bankruptcy.
CHE-UN has a Altman-Z score (0.76) which is in line with its industry peers.
CHE-UN has a debt to FCF ratio of 5.45. This is a neutral value as CHE-UN would need 5.45 years to pay back of all of its debts.
CHE-UN has a better Debt to FCF ratio (5.45) than 96.55% of its industry peers.
CHE-UN has a Debt/Equity ratio of 0.53. This is a neutral value indicating CHE-UN is somewhat dependend on debt financing.
CHE-UN has a Debt to Equity ratio (0.53) which is in line with its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 0.53
Debt/FCF 5.45
Altman-Z 0.76
CHE-UN.CA Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFCHE-UN.CA Yearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCFYearly LT Debt VS Equity VS FCF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 500M 1B

2.3 Liquidity

A Current Ratio of 0.40 indicates that CHE-UN may have some problems paying its short term obligations.
CHE-UN has a Current ratio of 0.40. This is in the lower half of the industry: CHE-UN underperforms 62.07% of its industry peers.
A Quick Ratio of 0.24 indicates that CHE-UN may have some problems paying its short term obligations.
CHE-UN's Quick ratio of 0.24 is on the low side compared to the rest of the industry. CHE-UN is outperformed by 65.52% of its industry peers.
Industry RankSector Rank
Current Ratio 0.4
Quick Ratio 0.24
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesCHE-UN.CA Yearly Current Assets VS Current LiabilitesYearly Current Assets VS Current Liabilites 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 100M 200M 300M 400M 500M


3. Growth

3.1 Past

CHE-UN shows a strong negative growth in Earnings Per Share. In the last year the EPS decreased by -27.50%.
Looking at the last year, CHE-UN shows a decrease in Revenue. The Revenue has decreased by -6.32% in the last year.
Measured over the past years, CHE-UN shows a small growth in Revenue. The Revenue has been growing by 2.97% on average per year.
EPS 1Y (TTM)-27.5%
EPS Q2Q%-2.44%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)-6.32%
Revenue growth 3Y10.21%
Revenue growth 5Y2.97%
Sales Q2Q%-1.93%

3.2 Future

Based on estimates for the next years, CHE-UN will show a decrease in Earnings Per Share. The EPS will decrease by -3.47% on average per year.
The Revenue is expected to decrease by -0.92% on average over the next years.
EPS Next Y-14.87%
EPS Next 2Y-10.51%
EPS Next 3Y-8.7%
EPS Next 5Y-3.47%
Revenue Next Year-4.37%
Revenue Next 2Y-1.47%
Revenue Next 3Y-0.92%
Revenue Next 5YN/A

3.3 Evolution

When comparing the Revenue growth rate of the last years to the growth rate of the upcoming years, we see that the growth is decreasing.
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesCHE-UN.CA Yearly Revenue VS EstimatesYearly Revenue VS Estimates 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 500M 1B 1.5B
CHE-UN.CA Yearly EPS VS EstimatesCHE-UN.CA Yearly EPS VS EstimatesYearly EPS VS Estimates 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 0 1 -1


4. Valuation

4.1 Price/Earnings Ratio

CHE-UN is valuated reasonably with a Price/Earnings ratio of 11.52.
96.55% of the companies in the same industry are more expensive than CHE-UN, based on the Price/Earnings ratio.
CHE-UN's Price/Earnings ratio indicates a rather cheap valuation when compared to the S&P500 average which is at 30.19.
CHE-UN is valuated reasonably with a Price/Forward Earnings ratio of 8.94.
Based on the Price/Forward Earnings ratio, CHE-UN is valued cheaper than 93.10% of the companies in the same industry.
When comparing the Price/Forward Earnings ratio of CHE-UN to the average of the S&P500 Index (23.58), we can say CHE-UN is valued rather cheaply.
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 11.52
Fwd PE 8.94
CHE-UN.CA Price Earnings VS Forward Price EarningsCHE-UN.CA Price Earnings VS Forward Price Earnings ChartPrice Earnings - Forward Price Earnings PE FPE 10 20 30 40 50

4.2 Price Multiples

Based on the Enterprise Value to EBITDA ratio, CHE-UN is valued cheaper than 96.55% of the companies in the same industry.
Based on the Price/Free Cash Flow ratio, CHE-UN is valued cheaper than 93.10% of the companies in the same industry.
Industry RankSector Rank
P/FCF 7.74
CHE-UN.CA Per share dataCHE-UN.CA EPS, Sales, OCF, FCF, BookValue per sharePer Share Data Per Share 5 10

4.3 Compensation for Growth

The decent profitability rating of CHE-UN may justify a higher PE ratio.
CHE-UN's earnings are expected to decrease with -8.70% in the coming years. This may justify a cheaper valuation.
EPS Next 2Y-10.51%
EPS Next 3Y-8.7%


5. Dividend

5.1 Amount

CHE-UN has a Yearly Dividend Yield of 7.47%, which is a nice return.
CHE-UN's Dividend Yield is a higher than the industry average which is at 6.90.
CHE-UN's Dividend Yield is rather good when compared to the S&P500 average which is at 2.30.
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield 7.47%

5.2 History

The dividend of CHE-UN decreases each year by -16.09%.
CHE-UN has paid a dividend for at least 10 years, which is a reliable track record.
CHE-UN has decreased its dividend in the last 3 years.
Dividend Growth(5Y)-16.09%
Div Incr Years0
Div Non Decr Years2
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Dividends per shareCHE-UN.CA Yearly Dividends per shareYearly Dividends per share 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

5.3 Sustainability

CHE-UN pays out 55.35% of its income as dividend. This is a bit on the high side, but may be sustainable.
CHE-UN's earnings and Dividend Rate are declining. This means the current dividend is most likely not sustainable.
EPS Next 2Y-10.51%
EPS Next 3Y-8.7%
CHE-UN.CA Yearly Income VS Free CF VS DividendCHE-UN.CA Yearly Income VS Free CF VS DividendYearly Income VS Free CF VS Dividend 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 100M -100M 200M -200M
CHE-UN.CA Dividend Payout.CHE-UN.CA Dividend Payout, showing the Payout Ratio.CHE-UN.CA Dividend Payout.PayoutRetained Earnings


TSX:CHE-UN (2/14/2025, 7:00:00 PM)


-0.14 (-1.38%)

Chartmill FA Rating
GICS SectorMaterials
GICS IndustryGroupMaterials
GICS IndustryChemicals
Earnings (Last)11-14 2024-11-14/amc
Earnings (Next)02-27 2025-02-27/amc
Inst Owners10.42%
Inst Owner ChangeN/A
Ins Owners0.21%
Ins Owner ChangeN/A
Market Cap1.19B
Price Target14.28 (42.51%)
Short Float %N/A
Short RatioN/A
Industry RankSector Rank
Dividend Yield 7.47%
Yearly Dividend0.5
Dividend Growth(5Y)-16.09%
Div Incr Years0
Div Non Decr Years2
Ex-Date01-31 2025-01-31 (0.0575)
Surprises & Revisions
EPS beat(2)1
Avg EPS beat(2)0.07%
Min EPS beat(2)-29.28%
Max EPS beat(2)29.42%
EPS beat(4)2
Avg EPS beat(4)1.46%
Min EPS beat(4)-29.28%
Max EPS beat(4)29.42%
EPS beat(8)5
Avg EPS beat(8)16.2%
EPS beat(12)8
Avg EPS beat(12)42.84%
EPS beat(16)8
Avg EPS beat(16)21.41%
Revenue beat(2)1
Avg Revenue beat(2)0.95%
Min Revenue beat(2)-0.17%
Max Revenue beat(2)2.07%
Revenue beat(4)2
Avg Revenue beat(4)-0.34%
Min Revenue beat(4)-4.32%
Max Revenue beat(4)2.07%
Revenue beat(8)4
Avg Revenue beat(8)0.3%
Revenue beat(12)7
Avg Revenue beat(12)2.63%
Revenue beat(16)9
Avg Revenue beat(16)1.46%
PT rev (1m)0%
PT rev (3m)8.89%
EPS NQ rev (1m)7.89%
EPS NQ rev (3m)-18%
EPS NY rev (1m)46.58%
EPS NY rev (3m)40.48%
Revenue NQ rev (1m)0.18%
Revenue NQ rev (3m)-1.3%
Revenue NY rev (1m)0%
Revenue NY rev (3m)0.28%
Industry RankSector Rank
PE 11.52
Fwd PE 8.94
P/S 0.68
P/FCF 7.74
P/OCF 3.44
P/B 1.48
P/tB 4.31
Fwd EY11.19%
Industry RankSector Rank
ROA 5.94%
ROE 15.95%
ROCE 17.34%
ROIC 13.01%
ROICexc 13.16%
ROICexgc 21.19%
OM 13.85%
PM (TTM) 7.28%
GM 22.36%
FCFM 8.73%
ROICexcg growth 3YN/A
ROICexcg growth 5Y278.13%
ROICexc growth 3YN/A
ROICexc growth 5Y299.46%
OM growth 3YN/A
OM growth 5Y260.76%
PM growth 3YN/A
PM growth 5YN/A
GM growth 3Y110.48%
GM growth 5Y33.16%
Asset Turnover0.82
Industry RankSector Rank
Debt/Equity 0.53
Debt/FCF 5.45
Debt/EBITDA 0.97
Cap/Depr 98.19%
Cap/Sales 10.92%
Interest Coverage 4.92
Cash Conversion 78.69%
Profit Quality 119.97%
Current Ratio 0.4
Quick Ratio 0.24
Altman-Z 0.76
Profit Quality(3y)N/A
Profit Quality(5y)N/A
High Growth Momentum
EPS 1Y (TTM)-27.5%
EPS Q2Q%-2.44%
EPS Next Y-14.87%
EPS Next 2Y-10.51%
EPS Next 3Y-8.7%
EPS Next 5Y-3.47%
Revenue 1Y (TTM)-6.32%
Revenue growth 3Y10.21%
Revenue growth 5Y2.97%
Sales Q2Q%-1.93%
Revenue Next Year-4.37%
Revenue Next 2Y-1.47%
Revenue Next 3Y-0.92%
Revenue Next 5YN/A
EBIT growth 1Y-21.34%
EBIT growth 3YN/A
EBIT growth 5Y271.46%
EBIT Next Year53.74%
EBIT Next 3Y14.08%
EBIT Next 5Y9.17%
FCF growth 1Y-36.59%
FCF growth 3Y8.33%
FCF growth 5Y9.1%
OCF growth 1Y-3.18%
OCF growth 3Y15.29%
OCF growth 5Y10.43%