US9029733048 - Common Stock

44.62  +0.77 (+1.76%)

After market: 44.45 -0.17 (-0.38%)

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NYSE:USB (9/13/2024, 8:04:00 PM)

After market: 44.45 -0.17 (-0.38%)


+0.77 (+1.76%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryBanks
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month6.04%
Earnings (Last)
Earnings (Next)
Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap69.63B
Fwd PE10.35
Dividend Yield4.56%
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Company Profile

U.S. Bancorp operates as a bank holding company, which offers financial services including lending and depository services, cash management, foreign exchange and trust and investment management. The company is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota and currently employs 70,000 full-time employees. The Company’s major lines of business are Wealth, Corporate, Commercial and Institutional Banking, Consumer and Business Banking, Payment Services, and Treasury and Corporate Support. The firm provides a range of financial services, including lending and depository services, cash management, capital markets, and trust and investment management services. The company also engages in credit card services, merchant and ATM processing, and others. Its banking subsidiary, U.S. Bank National Association (USBNA), is engaged in the banking business, principally in domestic markets. USBNA provides a range of products and services to individuals, businesses, institutional organizations, governmental entities, and other financial institutions. Its non-banking subsidiaries offer investment and insurance products to the Company’s customers principally within its domestic markets, and fund administration services to a range of mutual and other funds.

Company Info


800 Nicollet Mall

Minneapolis MINNESOTA 55402

P: 16514663000

CEO: Andrew Cecere

Employees: 70000


USB News

ChartMill News Image3 days ago - ChartmillWondering what's happening in today's session for the S&P500 index? Stay informed with the top movers within the S&P500 index on Thursday.

Let's have a look at what is happening on the US markets one hour before the close of the markets on Thursday. Below you can find the top S&P500 gainers and losers in today's session.

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Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is in pole position to purchase a portfolio of around €450 million ($497 million) of loans from Spanish bank Bankinter SA, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

News Image4 days ago - BloombergU.S. Bancorp’s Lagging Stock Puts Onus on Investor Day for Boost

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News Image4 days ago - U.S. BancorpU.S. Bancorp announces $5 billion common stock repurchase program, increase to quarterly common stock dividend
News Image5 days ago - CNBCWednesday's market calls: Morgan Stanley downgraded, home goods stock to pop nearly 20%

A major U.S. bank and a home goods company were among the companies being talked about by analyst on Wednesday.

News Image5 days ago - BloombergBofA Sees Weak Investment Banking, Modest Trading Revenue Gain

Bank of America Corp.’s quarterly results for investment banking will come in lower than some on Wall Street expected, while the sales and trading business is on track to increase by low single digits, according to Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan.

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