CA7800871021 - Common Stock

110.41  +0.82 (+0.75%)

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NYSE:RY (7/26/2024, 2:38:57 PM)


+0.82 (+0.75%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryBanks
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month10.86%
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Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap155.92B
Fwd PE11.77
Dividend Yield3.69%
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Company Profile

Royal Bank of Canada engages in the provision of banking and financial services. The company is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario and currently employs 94,480 full-time employees. Its business includes Personal & Commercial Banking, Wealth Management, Investor Services, Capital Markets and Insurance. The Personal & Commercial Banking comprises its personal banking operations and certain retail investment businesses in Canada, the Caribbean and United States, as well as its commercial and corporate banking operations in Canada and the Caribbean. Wealth Management provides a full suite of investment, trust and other wealth management solutions and businesses. Capital Markets provides public and private companies, institutional investors, governments and central banks globally with a range of capital markets products and services across its two main business lines, Corporate and Investment Banking and Global Markets. Insurance offers a range of life, health, home, auto, travel, wealth and reinsurance advice and solutions, and creditor and business insurance services to individual, business and group clients.

Company Info


Royal Bank Plaza, 200 Bay Street


P: 12124379267

CEO: David I. McKay

Employees: 94480


RY News

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The end of the earnings season is always a good time to take a step back and see who shined (and who not so much). Let’s take a look at how engineered components and systems stocks fared in Q1, starting with RBC Bearings (NYSE:RBC).

News Image2 days ago - BloombergBloomberg Brief (07/24/2024)

“Bloomberg Brief” delivers the market news, data and analysis you need to set your agenda. Today's guests: Lindsay Newman, Eurasia Group Practice Head of Global Macro-Geopolitics; Tom Narayan, RBC Capital Markets Lead Equity Analyst; Julian Emanuel, Evercore ISI Senior MD of Equity, Derivatives and Quantitative Strategy. (Source: Bloomberg)

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