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31.04  +0.22 (+0.71%)

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NASDAQ:WSBC (9/16/2024, 8:00:02 PM)

After market: 31.04 0 (0%)


+0.22 (+0.71%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorFinancials
GICS IndustryBanks
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Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month9.07%
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Ins Owners
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Market Cap1.85B
Fwd PE9.72
Dividend Yield4.79%
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Company Profile

WesBanco, Inc. is a bank holding company, which engages in the provision of financial services. The company is headquartered in Wheeling, West Virginia and currently employs 2,321 full-time employees. The firm offers a full range of financial services, including retail banking, corporate banking, personal and corporate trust services, brokerage services, mortgage banking and insurance. The firm has two segments: community banking and trust and investment services. The community banking segment offers services traditionally offered by full-service commercial banks, including commercial demand, individual demand and time deposit accounts, as well as commercial, mortgage and individual installment loans, and certain non-traditional offerings, such as insurance and securities brokerage services. The trust and investment services segment offers trust services as well as various alternative investment products including mutual funds. Its banking subsidiary, Wesbanco Bank, Inc., operates more than 190 financial centers in the states of Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Company Info


1 Bank Plz

Wheeling WEST VIRGINIA 26003

P: 13042349000

CEO: Todd F. Clossin

Employees: 2321

Website: https://www.wesbanco.com/


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