CA9279263037 - Common Stock

0.533  -0.02 (-3.65%)

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NYSEARCA:VGZ (7/25/2024, 7:18:46 PM)


-0.02 (-3.65%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorMaterials
GICS IndustryMetals & Mining
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Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month48.06%
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Ins Owners
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Market Cap65.13M
Dividend YieldN/A
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Company Profile

Vista Gold Corp. engages in the evaluation, acquisition, exploration, and advancement of gold exploration and potential development projects. The company is headquartered in Englewood, Colorado and currently employs 12 full-time employees. The firm is focused on acquisition, exploration and advancement of gold exploration and potential development projects. The Company’s flagship asset is the Mt Todd gold project (the Project) in Northern Territory, Australia (the NT). Mt Todd gold Project is located approximately 56 kilometers by road northwest of Katherine, NT, Australia, and approximately 290 kilometers by road southeast of Darwin, NT. Its total land holdings controlled by Vista Gold Australia are approximately 1,637 square kilometers (Km2). In the Mt Todd gold project, the Company holds an interest in mineral licenses (MLs), including MLN 1070, MLN 1071, MLN 1127 and MLN 31525, and exploration licenses (ELs), such as EL29882, EL29886, EL30898, EL32004 and ELA32005.

Company Info


8310 S. Valley Hwy, Suite 300

Englewood COLORADO 80127

P: 17209811185

CEO: Frederick H. Earnest

Employees: 12


VGZ News

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