FR0000120578 - Common Stock

104.54  -0.38 (-0.36%)

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EPA:SAN (9/6/2024, 7:00:00 PM)


-0.38 (-0.36%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryPharmaceuticals
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month19.22%
Earnings (Last)
Earnings (Next)
Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap261.57B
Fwd PE11.85
Dividend Yield3.58%
SAN Daily chart

Company Profile

Sanofi engages in the research, production, and distribution of pharmaceutical products. The company is headquartered in Paris, Ile-De-France and currently employs 87,994 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2002-07-01. The firm focuses on patient needs and engages in the research, development, manufacture, and marketing of therapeutic solutions. Its three operating segments are: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Healthcare (CHC), and Vaccines. The Pharmaceuticals includes: Immunology, Multiple Sclerosis / Neurology, Oncology, Rare Diseases, Rare Blood Disorders, Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Established Prescription Products. The Vaccines segment comprises, for all geographical territories, the commercial operations of Sanofi Pasteur, together with research, development, and production activities dedicated to vaccines. The CHC segment comprises the commercial operations for Sanofi’s Consumer Healthcare products, together with research, development and production activities dedicated to those products. The Company’s products developed in collaboration or franchise include Dupixent, Aubagio, Lemtrada, Cerezyme, Lumizyme, Jevtana, Fabrazyme.

Company Info


46 Avenue de la Grande Armee


P: 33153774000

Employees: 87994


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