US71654V4086 - ADR

14.47  +0.01 (+0.07%)

After market: 14.32 -0.15 (-1.04%)

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NYSE:PBR (7/26/2024, 7:04:00 PM)

After market: 14.32 -0.15 (-1.04%)


+0.01 (+0.07%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorEnergy
GICS IndustryOil, Gas & Consumable Fuels
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month-15.13%
Earnings (Last)
Earnings (Next)
Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap93.30B
Fwd PE5.01
Dividend Yield10.09%
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Company Profile

PetrĂ³leo Brasileiro SA engages in oil and gas exploration, production, and distribution activities. The company is headquartered in Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro and currently employs 46,730 full-time employees. The firm is engaged in prospecting, drilling, refining, processing, trading and transporting crude oil from producing onshore and offshore oil fields and from shale or other rocks. Its segments include Exploration and Production, which covers the activities of exploration, development and production of crude oil, natural gas liquid and natural gas; Refining, Transportation and Marketing, which covers the refining, logistics, transport and trading of crude oil and oil products activities, exporting of ethanol, and extraction and processing of shale; Gas and Power, which is engaged in transportation and trading of natural gas produced in Brazil and imported natural gas; Biofuels, which covers the activities of production of biodiesel and its co-products, and ethanol-related activities; Distribution, which includes the activities of its subsidiary Petrobras Distribuidora S.A., and Corporate.

Company Info


Av. Republica do Chile, n 65, 24 andar, Centro

Rio de Janeiro RIO DE JANEIRO 20031-912

P: 552132241510

CEO: Roberto Castello Branco

Employees: 46730


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News Image2 months ago - The Motley FoolWhy Petrobras Stock Keeps Going Down

Just because things are bad at Petrobras doesn't mean they can't get even worse.

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