NL0010558797 - Common Stock

22.12  -0.16 (-0.72%)

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AMS:OCI (7/26/2024, 7:00:00 PM)


-0.16 (-0.72%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorMaterials
GICS IndustryChemicals
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month-13.91%
Earnings (Last)
Earnings (Next)
Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap4.67B
Fwd PE19.18
Dividend YieldN/A
OCI Daily chart

Company Profile

OCI NV is a holding company, which engages production and distribution of natural gas-based fertilizers and industrial chemicals through its subsidiaries. The company is headquartered in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland and currently employs 1,146 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2013-01-25. Its portfolio of nitrogen fertilizers and industrial chemicals includes hydrous ammonia in liquid and gaseous form, granular urea, urea ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, methanol and melamine. The company also distributes crystalline and granular ammonium sulphate. The firm's subsidiaries include, among others, Biomethanol Chemie Nederland BV, which focuses on methanol and bio-methanol production, OCI Partners LP, which operates OCI Beaumont LLC, an integrated methanol and anhydrous ammonia production in Texas, United States, and Iowa Fertilizer Co, a producer of fertilizers based in the United States. The company serves mainly agricultural and industrial customers and operates production sites in the Netherlands, the United States, Egypt and Algeria. The firm's distribution network spans the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Company Info


Honthorststraat 19


P: 31207234500

Employees: 1146

Website: http://www.oci.nl/

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