CA66510M2040 - Common Stock

0.3901  +0 (+0.03%)

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NYSEARCA:NAK (7/26/2024, 12:49:47 PM)


+0 (+0.03%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorMaterials
GICS IndustryMetals & Mining
GICS SubIndustry
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Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month48.86%
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Ins Owners
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Market Cap209.77M
Dividend YieldN/A
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Company Profile

Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. engages in the exploration and development of gold and copper mineral properties. The company is headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Company’s principal business activity is the exploration of mineral properties. The Company’s principal asset, owned through its wholly owned subsidiary, Pebble Limited Partnership, is a 100% interest in a contiguous block of about 1,840 mineral claims in Southwest Alaska, including the Pebble deposit, located about 200 miles from Anchorage and 125 miles from Bristol Bay. The Pebble Partnership is the proponent of the Pebble Project. The deposit lies entirely within the Lake and Peninsula Borough, approximately 23,782 square miles of land. The deposit is a Copper-Gold-Molybdenum-Silver-Rhenium project. Its subsidiaries include 3537137 Canada Inc., Northern Dynasty Partnership, U5 Resources Inc., Pebble West Claims Corporation, and others.

Company Info


14Th Floor, 1040 West Georgia Street


P: 16046846365

CEO: Ronald W. Thiessen

Employees: 0


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