FR0010241638 - REIT

11.64  -0.06 (-0.51%)

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EPA:MERY (10/8/2024, 3:55:16 PM)


-0.06 (-0.51%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorReal Estate
GICS IndustryDiversified REITs
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month11.96%
Earnings (Last)
Earnings (Next)
Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap1.09B
Fwd PE10.19
Dividend Yield8.45%
MERY Daily chart

Company Profile

Mercialys SA engages in the ownership and management of commercial real estate properties. The company is headquartered in Paris, Ile-De-France. The company went IPO on 2005-10-11. The company has the SIIC (real estate investment trust - REIT) status. The firm owns and manages a portfolio of assets, comprised mainly of commercial real estate properties, such as self-service restaurants, large shopping centers and small local centers of specialty shops and larger stores adjacent to hypermarkets or supermarkets owned by Groupe Casino. Mercialys SA leases the space primarily to national branded stores, chain stores or franchises, as well as to independent retailers. The Company’s support functions, such as property management, administration, finance and accounting, legal affairs, surveys and information technology are outsourced to various Groupe Casino units.

Company Info


16-18 Rue du Quatre-Septembre


P: 33153702330

Employees: 168


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