MHY271836006 - Common Stock

25.28  +0.15 (+0.6%)

Buy % Consensus


ChartMill assigns a Buy % Consensus number of 78% to GSL. The Buy consensus is the weighted average rating of the current analysts ratings.

Analysts have set a mean price target forecast of 32.3. This target is 27.77% above the current price.
GSL was analyzed by 8 analysts. The buy percentage consensus is at 78. So analysts seem to be have mildly positive about GSL.
In the previous month the buy percentage consensus was at a similar level.
GSL was analyzed by 8 analysts. More opinions would make the average more meaningful.

Price Target & Forecast

Price Low Median Mean High 25.2828.2829.5832.3039.90 - 11.87% 17.01% 27.77% 57.83%
Up and Down Grades
Date Firm Action Rating
2024-05-16 Jefferies Maintains Buy -> Buy
2024-03-04 Jefferies Reiterate Buy -> Buy
2023-05-10 Jefferies Reiterate Buy -> Buy
2023-03-01 Jefferies Reiterate Buy
2022-08-05 Jefferies Maintains Buy
2021-11-10 Jefferies Maintains Buy
2021-07-16 Deutsche Bank Initiate Buy
2021-06-09 Jefferies Maintains Buy
2021-02-12 Jefferies Initiate Buy