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NYSEARCA:DHY (9/6/2024, 8:08:22 PM)


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Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorN/A
GICS IndustryN/A
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Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month7.5%
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Ins Owners
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Market Cap222.55M
Dividend Yield7.97%
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Company Profile

Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund is a US-based company operating in industry. The company is headquartered in New York City, New York. Credit Suisse High Yield Bond Fund (the Fund) is a non-diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund's investment objective is to seek a high current income. The Fund will also seek capital appreciation as a secondary objective. The Fund invests in various sectors, such as advertising, aerospace and defense, auto parts and equipment, automakers, brokerage, building and construction, building materials, cable and satellite television, chemicals, consumer/commercial/lease financing, diversified capital goods, electronics, energy exploration and production, environmental, food-wholesale, gas distribution, health facilities, health services, real estate investment trusts, software-services, specialty retail, steel producers/products, support-services, theaters and entertainment, transport infrastructure/services, machinery, collateralized debt obligations, restaurants, pharmaceuticals and packaging. The Fund's investment advisor is Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC.

Company Info


Eleven Madison Avenue

New York City NEW YORK

P: 12123252000

Employees: 0


DHY News

News Image4 years ago - Seeking AlphaJitters surface as U.S. junk bonds set annual sales record (NYSEARCA:HYG)

U.S. high-yield bond issuance for 2020 has eclipsed the prior annual sales record of $329.6B set in 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, as companies reap the benefits of the Fed's liquidity-boosting and zero-interest rate policies.The support has effectively turned the industry into a borrower's market, and all-in yields for U.S.

News Image4 years ago - Market News VideoTop Buys by Top Brass: Chief Investment Officer Flannery's $193K Bet on DHY

A company's own top management tend to have the best inside view into the business, so when company officers make major buys, investors are wise to take notice. Presumably the only reason an insider would take their hard-earned cash and use it to buy stock of their company in the open market, is that they expect to make money — maybe they find the stock very undervalued, or maybe they see exciting progress within the company, or maybe both..

News Image4 years ago - Seeking Alpha'Party from the Fed' prompts junk bond sales record (NYSEARCA:HYG)

Junk issuers have sold $46.7B of bonds so far in June, topping the previous monthly record of $46.4B in September 2013, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.Companies have hurried to build cash war

News Image4 years ago - Seeking AlphaMarriott deal shows sizzling corporate bond market (NASDAQ:MAR)

Marriott (NASDAQ:MAR) today sold $1.6B in 5-year paper priced to yield 5.75%, reports Bloomberg. The notes are expected to be rated Baa3/BBB-The company had originally hoped to raise $1B at about a 6%

News Image4 years ago - Seeking AlphaIt's risk-on in high-yield after latest Fed move (NYSEARCA:HYG)

Included in the Fed's latest rescue package is its intention to now begin buying ETFs holding high-yield paper as well as direct purchases of paper that's recently been downgraded to junk.That's got t

News Image4 years ago - Seeking AlphaMoody's cuts outlook on U.S. corporate debt

Moody's Investors Service has lowered its outlook on U.S. corporate debt from stable to negative, saying that a coronavirus recession will result in rising default rates."Government support will c

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