US8336351056 - ADR

38.33  +0.88 (+2.35%)

After market: 38.33 0 (0%)

Buy % Consensus


ChartMill assigns a Buy % Consensus number of 40% to SQM. The Buy consensus is the weighted average rating of the current analysts ratings.

SQM was analyzed by 7 analysts. The buy percentage consensus is at 40. So analysts seem to be rather negative about SQM.
In the previous month the buy percentage consensus was at a similar level.
SQM was analyzed by 7 analysts. More opinions would make the average more meaningful.
Up and Down Grades
Date Firm Action Rating
2024-07-18 Deutsche Bank Maintains Hold -> Hold
2024-06-04 B of A Securities Maintains Underperform -> Underperform
2024-05-28 Deutsche Bank Maintains Hold -> Hold
2024-05-24 BMO Capital Maintains Outperform -> Outperform
2024-04-23 Goldman Sachs Maintains Neutral -> Neutral
2024-04-19 Deutsche Bank Maintains Hold -> Hold
2024-04-08 Jefferies Upgrade Hold -> Buy
2024-03-04 ScotiaBank Maintains Sector Outperform -> Sector Outperform
2024-03-01 BMO Capital Maintains Outperform -> Outperform
2024-03-01 Deutsche Bank Maintains Hold -> Hold
2024-02-06 JP Morgan Maintains Overweight -> Overweight
2024-01-11 Deutsche Bank Downgrade Buy -> Hold
2024-01-02 ScotiaBank Maintains Sector Outperform -> Sector Outperform
2023-12-15 Goldman Sachs Upgrade Sell -> Neutral
2023-12-12 JP Morgan Maintains Overweight -> Overweight
2023-11-17 BMO Capital Maintains Outperform -> Outperform
2023-10-26 ScotiaBank Upgrade Sector Perform -> Sector Outperform
2023-10-18 B of A Securities Downgrade Neutral -> Underperform
2023-10-05 JP Morgan Maintains Overweight -> Overweight
2023-09-13 Citigroup Initiate Buy
2023-08-28 Loop Capital Maintains Hold -> Hold
2023-08-21 ScotiaBank Maintains Sector Perform -> Sector Perform
2023-08-18 BMO Capital Maintains Outperform -> Outperform
2023-08-18 B of A Securities Maintains Neutral -> Neutral
2023-07-21 JP Morgan Maintains Overweight -> Overweight
2023-07-06 HSBC Maintains Buy -> Buy
2023-05-24 BMO Capital Maintains Outperform -> Outperform
2023-05-19 Goldman Sachs Initiate Sell
2023-04-20 Deutsche Bank Maintains Buy
2023-04-19 JP Morgan Maintains Overweight