US8676524064 - Common Stock

0.8379  -0.13 (-13.36%)

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NASDAQ:SPWR (7/26/2024, 1:32:10 PM)


-0.13 (-13.36%)

Chartmill TA Rating
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GICS SectorIndustrials
GICS IndustryElectrical Equipment
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Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month-69.78%
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Ins Owners
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Market Cap147.03M
Dividend YieldN/A
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Company Profile

SunPower Corp. engages in the design, manufacture, and delivery of solar panels and systems. The company is headquartered in Richmond California, California. The company went IPO on 2005-11-17. The firm offers fully integrated solar, storage and home energy solutions to customers primarily in the United States and Canada through a range of hardware, software, and financing options and Smart Energy solutions. The firm's Smart Energy adds layers of intelligent control to homes, buildings and grids, all personalized through easy-to-use customer interfaces. The company is engaged in the United States Distributed Generation (DG) storage and energy services market, providing customers control over electricity consumption and resiliency during power outages. The five pillars of its strategy include customer care, products, growth, digital innovation and financial solutions. The Company’s subsidiaries include SunPower Corporation, Systems, SunPower North America, LLC, SunStrong Capital Holdings, LLC, SunPower Capital, LLC Delaware and Blue Raven Solar Holdings, LLC.

Company Info


880 Harbour Way South, Suite 600

Richmond California CALIFORNIA 95134

P: 14082405500

CEO: Thomas H. Werner

Employees: 4710



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