PTSON0AM0001 - Common Stock

0.927  -0.01 (-0.54%)

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ELI:SON (7/26/2024, 7:00:00 PM)


-0.01 (-0.54%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorConsumer Staples
GICS IndustryConsumer Staples Distribution & Retail
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month3.11%
Earnings (Last)
Earnings (Next)
Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap1.85B
Fwd PE6.33
Dividend Yield6.07%
SON Daily chart

Company Profile

Sonae SGPS SA operates as a retail company with partnerships in the shopping centers and telecommunications sectors. The firm divides its business into six segments: Sonae MC, which is active in the food retail mainly through hypermarkets, supermarkets and franchised local food stores; Sonae Sierra, which develops and manages shopping malls; Sonae SR, which includes specialized retail stores, such as electronics, sports goods and fashion shops; Sonae RP, which is involved in the real estate sector; Sonaecom, which provides integrated telecommunication services, and the Investment Management, which support the Company’s business through the assets portfolio management. The firm's portfolio includes Continente, Modalfa, Worten, Losan and Zippy brands, among others. The firm operates in approximately 66 countries, including Portugal, Spain, Greece, Germany, Italy, Turkey and Brazil, among others.

Company Info


Lugar do Espido Via Norte


P: 351220104000

Employees: 36979


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