Genomic Vision (GV.PA)

FR0011799907 - Common Stock

0.0018  +0 (+5.88%)

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Genomic Vision

EPA:GV (11/3/2023, 7:00:00 PM)


+0 (+5.88%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorHealth Care
GICS IndustryBiotechnology
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month-89.89%
Earnings (Last)
Earnings (Next)
Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap693.19K
Dividend YieldN/A
GV Daily chart

Company Profile

GĂ©nomic Vision SA is a molecular diagnostics and technology company, which develops and commercializes research tools and tests for the early detection of cancers and genetic diseases. The company is headquartered in Bagneux, Ile-De-France and currently employs 37 full-time employees. The company went IPO on 2014-04-02. The company develops and commercializes single-DNA molecule diagnostic tests and research tools for life sciences, cancer and genetic diseases. The firm uses the molecular combining technique for the direct visualization of single DNA molecules to detect quantitative and qualitative changes in the genome landscape and establish their contribution to pathology. The company develops its products and services in three main markets: the medical diagnostic market focusing on DNA diagnostics (cancer genomics, genetic diseases); the pharmaceutical research and development market in the fields of genomics, to develop tests that can help physicians identify how patients are likely to respond to targeted therapies (personalized medicine, pharmacogenomics, cancer cell proliferation); and the academic laboratories research market, providing molecular combining tools for academic research in the field of cancer genetics, cytogenetics and DNA replication.

Company Info

Genomic Vision

Green Square Batiment E, 80-84 rue des Meuniers


P: 33149080740.0

Employees: 37


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