Quickly and intuitively find your next trading or investment idea, leveraging both Technical and Fundamental filters.
Delve into in-depth financial metrics, long-term averages, and crucial earnings data. Our Fundamental Analysis Tools equip you with the insights needed for sustainable growth in your investment portfolio.
Chart and Candlestick Patterns, Advanced Technical Indicators – our platform provides the tools you need to master technical analysis.
Explore our vast documentation and video library to enhance your knowledge. Our resources help you become a seasoned trader or investor.
Pre-configured screens from famous systems and books give you a head start. Personalize screens and views according to your own unique approach.
Our Position Sizing Tool helps you manage risk effectively. WatchLists and Alerts ensure you never miss an opportunity in the dynamic markets.
ChartMill profile pages contain an in-depth overview of everything you need to know before entering a trade or investment. This includes a wide scope of technical and fundamental metrics and even complete Technical and Fundamental Reports.
A Fundamental Analysis Report is available for every stock in our database and is updated daily. These reports are easy to understand and analyze the Profitability, Growth, Health, Valuation and Dividend aspects of a stock.
Proprietary ratings are assigned for each aspect and give you a high level impression of the fundamentals for the stock you are looking at.
ChartMill provides a huge library of pre-configured screens to get you started. You can easily fine tune these screens to your own needs.
Combining Technical and Fundamental Analysis for Position Trading in High Growth systems, Swing Trading based on Technical Analysis or pure Fundamental Analysis for long term Growth, Value or Quality investments ... it's all there!
The heart of ChartMill is one of the most advanced Stock Screeners on the market.
Filter, search, sort based on Technical and Fundamental Analysis Criteria and show the results how you want to see them.
A wide range of technical filters help you to quickly find breakout or pullback setups.
Relative Strength, Performance, Moving Averages or ChartMill Ratings help you to find the strongest stocks, while you can use the ChartMill Setup Rating, Support and Resistance or Chart Patterns to detect consolidations.
Seeing the results as charts allow you to scan many charts in a short period of time.
Each ChartMill Founder has at least 20 years of experience in the markets. Learning material in the form of Articles, Videos and Blog posts are available and are also continously extended.
You can find the most recent additions below.
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