US72303P3055 - Common Stock

1.37  -0.01 (-0.72%)

After market: 1.41 +0.04 (+2.92%)

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NASDAQ:PEGY (7/26/2024, 7:00:00 PM)

After market: 1.41 +0.04 (+2.92%)


-0.01 (-0.72%)

Chartmill TA Rating
Chartmill Setup Rating
GICS SectorIndustrials
GICS IndustryElectrical Equipment
GICS SubIndustry
Chartmill FA Rating
Chartmill High Growth Momentum
Sales Q2Q%
6 Month-82.09%
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Ins Owners
Inst Owners
Market Cap9.92M
Dividend YieldN/A
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Company Profile

Pineapple Energy Inc is a US-based company operating in Electrical Equipment industry. The company is headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota and currently employs 201 full-time employees. Pineapple Energy Inc. is a domestic operator and consolidator of residential solar, battery storage, and grid service solutions. The firm is focused on acquiring, integrating, and growing local and regional solar, storage, and energy service companies nationwide. The company is primarily engaged in the sale, design, and installation of photovoltaic solar energy systems and battery storage systems through its Hawaii-based Hawaii Energy Connection (HEC) and New York-based SUNation Solar Systems (SUNation) entities. Its primary customers are residential homeowners. The company also provides solar energy systems for commercial owners and other municipal customers. Through its E-Gear business, the Company also develops, manufactures, and sells patented edge-of-grid energy management software and hardware technology, such as energy management control devices. Its primary customers for this technology are energy service companies and other utilities.

Company Info


10900 Red Circle Dr

Minnetonka MINNESOTA

P: 19529961674

Employees: 201



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