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The trading volume of these stocks is deviating from the norm in today's session.

By Mill Chart

Last update: May 23, 2024

Volume analysis on 2024-05-23: stocks with an unusual volume in today's session.

Today's unusual volume stocks

MGRX14.57%So far 10.19M shares of MANGOCEUTICALS INC (NASDAQ:MGRX) have traded in today's session. NASDAQ:MGRX is advancing 14.57% today. In comparison to the average daily volume of the last 50 days, the current volume is 74.21% above. This suggests a notable change in trading activity.
AKTS-30.05%AKOUSTIS TECHNOLOGIES INC (NASDAQ:AKTS) has an unusual volume of 31.66M shares. Shares are witnessing a downward movement, with a decrease of 30.05%. The average daily volume over 50 days is 12.18M, so this is 160.0% above the average volume. A press release (Akoustis Completes Rollout of its XBAW® Design Updates) was released yesterday.
HLTH-15.79%So far 30.3M shares of CUE HEALTH INC (NASDAQ:HLTH) have traded in today's session. This decline in share price leads to a decrease of 15.79%. Compared to the average daily volume of the past 50 days, the current volume is 638.0% above, suggesting an unusual level of trading activity.
CJET22.22%CHIJET MOTOR CO INC (NASDAQ:CJET) has an unusual volume of 1.52M shares today. Investors in NASDAQ:CJET are enjoying a price surge of 22.22% today, indicating bullish market sentiment. Today's trading volume is 396.0% above the average 50-day volume, indicating a significant deviation from the norm.
MBIO-2.08%MUSTANG BIO INC (NASDAQ:MBIO) has an unusual volume of 7.77M shares today. The price of NASDAQ:MBIO is experiencing a downturn, with a decrease of 2.08%. The average daily volume over the past 50 days is 1.27M. Hence, the current volume is 510.0% above the average volume, indicating a deviation from the usual trading pattern.
AGRI30.77%Today's trading session witnessed an unusual volume of 27.72M shares for AGRIFORCE GROWING SYSTEMS LT (NASDAQ:AGRI). The price of NASDAQ:AGRI has increased by 30.77%, indicating upward momentum in the market. With an average daily volume of 10.68M over the past 50 days, today's volume is 160.0% above the average, indicating a potential shift in market sentiment.
BNED-35.38%44.08M shares of BARNES & NOBLE EDUCATION INC (NYSE:BNED) exchanged hands today. The current market conditions have led to a price decrease of 35.38% for NYSE:BNED. This volume is 202.0% above the average 50 day volume.
SING-28.61%SINGLEPOINT INC's (NYSEARCA:SING) traded a high volume of 5.22M shares. Shares are witnessing a downward movement, with a decrease of 28.61%. The average volume over the last 50 days is 1.95M, making today's volume 167.0% above the average. This signifies a notable change in market participation.
BURU-2.4%The stock of NUBURU INC (NYSEARCA:BURU) has caught attention with a significant volume of 13.59M shares today. NYSEARCA:BURU is experiencing a downward trend, with a decline of 2.4%. The average volume over the last 50 days is 7.78M, making today's volume 74.76% above the average. This signifies a notable change in market participation.
SYTA-15.42%So far 1.3M shares of SIYATA MOBILE INC (NASDAQ:SYTA) have traded in today's session. Shares are witnessing a downward movement, with a decrease of 15.42%. The average volume measured over 50 days is 1.07M, so this is 20.88% above the average volume.

For the full unusual volume stocks list go to our unusual volume stocks screener.



NASDAQ:HLTH (6/5/2024, 7:00:01 PM)

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-0.02 (-29.77%)

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